- Historical Events
- Abbey Location
- White Monks
- Structural Design
- Points of Interest
- Bacton Church
- Stewards of Dore

Structural Design
A lych gate frames the first view of the Abbey from the road, but as you step down the path, look towards the other lych gate, leading out to the farm. The original Abbey reached nearly as far as this second lych gate. What remains standing is the chancel area and the transepts. The foundations of the nave, cloisters, chapter house and domestic buildings are still there and were surveyed to some extent in c. 1902. The nave is under the graveyard and the domestic buildings are largely under the farm's fields. However, the chapter house site and, in particular, the cloisters are quiet places for reflection or even a summer picnic!
The Medieval builders would be horrified at what they would consider its unfinished state - walls, even those of the Cistercians (noted for their austerity) would have been painted. When the extensions and alterations were carried out in the 13th-14th centuries, the Abbey must have been a riot of colour, especially with the superb foliage sculpted on the pillar capitals. Traces of paint still remain.