- Historical Events
- Abbey Location
- White Monks
- Structural Design
- Points of Interest
- Bacton Church
- Stewards of Dore

Abbey Location
You can find this fomer Cistercian Abbey in the Herefordshire Golden Valley, on the Welsh border. It is not the Church of England / Anglican Parish Church for the scattered village of Abbey Dore. It is located between Ewyas (pronounced 'you-us') Harold and Peterchurch, with the majestically wild Black Mountains to the west; the same Golden Valley as featured in the film "Shadowlands" starring Anthony Hopkins as C.S. Lewis. It is a fertile wooded valley that lies on the edge of the rich pastures and farmland that stretch to the east. Herefordshire is the home of Hereford Cattle and Cider - made from apples - and Perry - made from pears. It is a truly beautiful sight to come along the valley from Peterchurch, and after the road rises witness the Abbey framed by the backdrop of hills.
The valley was already farmed when the Monks arrived in 1147 from Morimond in Burgundy - the only daughter house founded here by Morimund - and the old Roman road may still have been in use. If one of these monks had enquired the name of the local river it may account for both 'Dore' and 'Golden'. He was French and he could easily have mistaken the Welsh word "dwr" (meaning water) with the French word "d'or" (meaning golden). Whatever the truth of this, the valley is certainly golden when the buttercups are in full flower carpeting the lush valley fields.